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Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971)

Car - Auto Parts and Accessories
Posted 9 months ago

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Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971)

Car - Auto Parts and Accessories
Posted 9 months ago
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Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971) models 230SL 250SL 280SL
(Mercedes Pagode W113 Stoßfänger)
One set include:
One front bumper in 2 parts plus front joining stripe and 2x over rider
One rear bumper in 2 parts and 2x over rider
Mounting kit (bolts and nuts).
Bumper is copied from the original in shape, size and is perfectly comparable to the original bumper. Bumper is made from 304 stainless steel (it never rust, even at different temperatures), After the bumper is finished, it is polished to high gloss. It looks like chrome. The inside of the bumper is painted with many layers, making it smoother and more beautiful.
Please see the link: https://bumperautomobile.com/mercedes-pagode-w113-bumpers-with-over-rider.html
Besides this bumper, I also have bumpers Mercedes W121 190SL, 300SL, W107, W108, W111 Coupe and Sedan, W120 W121, W180 and some other types Mercedes.
The current bumper models we have: Mercedes, Datsun, BMW, Volvo, Volkswagen, Jaguar, Ford, Opel, Triumph....
More than that, we always want to work towards developing more new models. So we are searching for samples from any customers who can cooperate with us to expand some kinds of products in stainless steel, rubber, steel, aluminum, copper, chrome such as bumpers, trims, plate number frames, parts of classic cars, modern cars, stainless steel tools for high-class bathrooms, stainless steel parts for high-end tables and chairs.
The choice for your car: luxury – class. If you need bumpers for any classic car, please contact.
We can support for you: bumperautomobile.com, Mercedes Pagode W113 bumper, Mercedes Pagode W113 Stoßfänger.
Email: info@bumperautomobile.com, bumpercarcoltd@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +84766704079, +84812842228
Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087404695590
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bumpercarcoltd/
Web: http://www.bumperautomobile.com


Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
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Lucy vo
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    Lucy vo
    Lucy vo
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    Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971) Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971) Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971) Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971) Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971)
    Check with seller Mercedes Pagode W113 bumpers with over rider (1963 -1971) by Lucy vo
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